Dig Me Out – Podcast


I recently did an interview for the 90’s music podcast Dig Me Out about my old band Alcohol Funnycar, our final album Weasels and a little bit about Stag. You can check out the podcast and a full length interview with me here.

I Smell STAG & Candy! 8/31 @ the Tractor


STAG is opening for Marcy Playground on 8/31 at the Tractor. Yes, that Marcy Playground. You know…Sex & Candy Marcy Playground, always on the radio in the 90s Marcy Playground, main guy went to Evergreen Marcy Playground. Oh get over yourself, it’s cool they are still playing.

We’ll see what they are up to these days. Come join the fun. Maybe they’ll be serving “disco lemonade”.